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It’s that time of year again when everyone starts to anticipate some great deals, sales and discounts, just in time for Christmas. Black Friday is renowned around the world for being one of the biggest sales events before the festive season. Growing in popularity in the UK over the years, Black Friday is something that originated in America, being the first Friday after Thanksgiving. 

The term ‘Black Friday’ dates back to the 1950’s in Philadelphia. Police in the area used the term to describe the never-ending, relentless crowd numbers that descended to the shopping district to bag some amazing deals. Black Friday sales have shifted from brick-and-mortar stores to digital, online shops, meaning it’s never been easier to call dibs on some of the most in-demand items for a great price. 

But how can you use Black Friday to your marketing advantage? In this article, we’ll be outlining some of the most effective ways in which you can market your business throughout the Black Friday period. However, you must make sure you’re ahead of the game, advertising your Black Friday deals at least a couple of weeks before the event. Here are 10 Black Friday marketing ideas for you:


1. Take to social media to advertise your offers & discounts early

Social media is one of the most effective ways of advertising your goods and services. This, coupled with the announcement of a stellar Black Friday deal, will be enough to send your customers into a frenzy. Make sure you advertise your offers on all of your social media accounts, where appropriate. 

For example, you might not want to advertise that you have a sale on your new range of fluffy sheep socks on LinkedIn. However, it would be better to advertise them on Instagram and Facebook instead. You should also look to post about your sale and discounts before Black Friday starts, so that customers know what to expect. It also lets them know that you will be taking part in the Black Friday sales, which could set you apart from your competitors.


2. Create a sense of urgency

Black Friday sales only come around once a year, and it’s the perfect opportunity for people to get great Christmas presents for a lower price. But in addition to only happening once a year, it will also, typically, only last for three days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday, with Cyber Monday following on from that. 

This means that there’s urgency around customers making a purchase online, so convey this in your marketing campaigns. Stress that the offer is only for a limited time and that it’s unlikely to reappear at any other time of year. Keep an eye on what your competitors are doing as well so that you’re offering competitive deals that will steer customers away from other retailers and towards you and everything you have to offer. 

This sense of urgency should be conveyed, mainly, on social media, using Twitter, Facebook and Instagram ads to ensure your campaign is being seen by as many relevant people as possible. Even if it doesn’t result in a sale, it will increase your leads and boost website traffic, which is great for SEO.


3. Start an email marketing campaign

An email marketing campaign is a great way of getting the word out there sooner rather than later about your offers and discounts on Black Friday. Send an email out to everyone on your mailing list, reminding them that Black Friday is around the corner and that they can get some attractive deals when the event kicks off. This is just another way in which you can create that sense of urgency without turning to social media solely.


4. Offer exclusive deals & discounts to loyal customers

You want to make sure that you’re retaining a loyal customer base. This starts with making them feel valued above new customers. You could make this a part of your email marketing campaign, but make sure you’re offering your existing, loyal customers some exclusive deals, making them aware of them before the event. If they see that your new customers are being rewarded more than they are, then this could cause them to go elsewhere for a better deal. Keep them onside by making them feel valued this Black Friday.


5. Use hashtags to reach new audiences

Hashtags are a useful tool, especially on social media. This is because they can enable you to reach a greater number of relevant people. Those who are following that hashtag or who are searching for that hashtag are actually interested in that topic, product or service. So not only are you going to be hitting a wider audience, it will also be a relevant one. Not to mention, hashtags are great for starting conversations, which can lead to increased engagement on things like your website or online shop.

6. Give a free gift away with a purchase over a certain value

Everybody loves to get something for free, so give your customers an incentive to bag something they didn’t pay for alongside the items they had a view of buying in the first place. It’s often seen as a little bonus that people can either keep for themselves or give away as part of their Christmas shopping. It especially helps if you put an item on there and convey its worth. For example, you could have an offer that says “spend £50 and get a free tote bag worth £20”. That will then make a customer think that they’re getting £70-worth of goods for £50. 


7. Pay attention to your abandoned basket rates

Abandoned shopping baskets online are powerful things, especially if your website can monitor what goes in and out of them. If you notice that someone has put something in their basket and they’ve left it in there, give them an incentive to come back and make that purchase, even if you give them some money off or simply remind them that they’ve left something in there. 

You’ll be surprised how much of an impact that will make on sales, especially if it’s something that seemed like it wasn’t going to be sold in the first place. It gives you a sale and it ensures your customers are provided with something they actually wanted. Top that off with great customer service and a smooth delivery and you’ll soon earn yourself repeat customers and banish the problem of abandoned shopping baskets altogether.


8. Hold a competition on social media

Everybody loves a competition, especially if the prize is worth trying to win. Make it a one-time-only contest and offer something that people would actually want to win, either for themselves or to give to someone for Christmas. Look at the trends right now in terms of what people are shopping for. Going back to the Playstation 5 example, if everyone wants a Playstation 5, then make sure that the prize is a Playstation 5. You’ll be impressed by how many people will scramble to try and win something that is both expensive and hard to come by. 


9. Curate a gift guide, preferably for Christmas

Christmas is just around the corner, so make sure you put some content out there that will be both relevant and interesting to people, especially if the gifts you’re writing about are available from you, throughout the Black Friday sales, for a discounted price. You’ll then see your items fly off the shelves, especially if they’re popular right now.  

What you should do is look at what’s on trend right now, together with what most people will be asking Father Christmas for this year. For example, a couple of years ago, every boy in the country was asking for the brand new Playstation 5. If you had Playstation 5s for sale that year, then you should have made it clear that you’re selling them and that they can get it for a competitive price. Do the same this year. This will vary depending on the industry you work in and the nature of the products you sell. 

For example, if you own a plumbing supply shop, your customers aren’t going to be asking for some copper pipe and a copper olive for Christmas. Instead, put deals out there such as “five copper pipes for the price of three” or “buy a mixer tap and get a free plug hole”. Make it as attractive as possible and offer great deals no matter the industry you work in or the products you sell. Instead of making it a gift guide, turn it into catalogue-style literature.


10. Follow up with your customers after the Black Friday sales have ended

This might seem counterintuitive, but it adds a personal spin. It lets them know that you weren’t just contacting them for the leads and sales, but that you actually care about their thoughts and feedback. Contact them after Black Friday and ask them things like ‘rate the delivery’ or ‘how is your [product]?’ or ‘rate our services’. Welcome their feedback and thoughts, whilst following up on how the product they purchased. You’ll be surprised by how much of an impact this will have on retaining customers, making sure they come back throughout the year and not just when you have a good sale on.



Kumo is a digital marketing agency with over two decades of experience when it comes to SEO, PPC, content writing, graphic design and more. If you would like further information about how we can propel your business into the spotlight, then get in touch with a member of our professional, friendly team today – we’re always pleased to hear from you.


Author Biography


As an experienced Copywriter, Lorna enjoys creating varied content for an abundance of different industries and sectors. From detailed, informative articles to creative infographics, she's always looking to inject originality into the work she produces. When she isn't working, Lorna runs her own lifestyle blog, plays the guitar and loves to take part in charity runs.