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How to Adapt Your Personas for Different Channels

Adapting personas for different channels is paramount when it comes to hitting the right target audience. Without the knowledge of how to be flexible with lots of different marketing methods, you could end up either targeting the wrong audience or not targeting any particular type of audience at all. You need to make sure that […]

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How to Establish a Good Reputation On Social Media

If you’re looking to establish a good reputation on social media, then you’ve come to the right place. It’s important that you’re doing this and holding your reputation as a high priority, both online and in the real world. This helps to create a loyal client base that has trust in you. But a business’ […]

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How to Make Friends & (Really) Influence People Online

You might think that it’s simple enough to make friends and influence people in a digital age, what with the invention of social media that millions of people across the world are a part of. However, it’s actually a lot more difficult than you might think. In fact, the very fact that there are now […]

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How to Build Trust with Your Email Subscribers

Email marketing is a highly-important tool for business owners these days, especially as we start relying heavily on technology and digital marketing techniques. It’s a powerful resource that builds trust, credibility and a rapport between yourself and your customers, no matter how loyal or new they might be. They need to know that you’re not […]

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How to Create Content That People Will (Actually) Want to Read

You might think that writing content is straightforward, especially if it’s not something that you would ordinarily do. Anyone can go online and create content, and then post it online for all to see, but are people actually seeing your work? That depends on how you’ve gone about creating your content. To shed some more […]

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