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How to Make Friends & (Really) Influence People Online

You might think that it’s simple enough to make friends and influence people in a digital age, what with the invention of social media that millions of people across the world are a part of. However, it’s actually a lot more difficult than you might think. In fact, the very fact that there are now […]

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What Are Content Creators?

Whether you’re in the marketing industry or are looking for a career change, you may not be aware of what content creators do or why they’re essential to the smooth-running of any business. From marketing agencies to an in-house team of people who look after a blog and social networking, content creators are everywhere. Without […]

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10 American Spellings You Should Avoid in Your British Copy

It can be difficult to know the difference between American and British spellings when it comes to writing copy. If you’re untrained in the art, then the differences can be so small that they go completely unnoticed, meaning that your British copy could be riddled with Americanisms. This is usually because our word processing programmes […]

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Why is the Customer Journey Important?

Anyone who owns a business knows that it has to be based around the customer in order to ensure increased leads and sales. However, this is often easier said than done. You might think that you know your customers, but do you really? One of the ways in which you can get to know your […]

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Landing Page Vs. Homepage: What’s the Difference?

Landing pages and homepages are often confused for one another. In some cases, a homepage can be confused for the same thing as a landing page, and vice-a-versa. If you’re new to digital marketing or to website development and design, then you may be wondering what the differences are between the two, and why they […]

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