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People-First Content: What is it & How Can You Write it?

In this digital age, writing content to be published on the internet is equally written for the search engines as it is for the actual reader. You might find that writing and publishing content online that contains zero keywords won’t perform well in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Whereas if you write content with […]

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The Importance of Updating Old Content

Updating old content might seem counterintuitive and a bit of a waste of time, but it’s actually quite a valuable task if you’re a content writer who is struggling to hit important headlines whilst also trying to produce content for lower-priority clients. If you’re still not convinced that updating your old content is worthwhile, then […]

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What Does it Mean to ‘Mind Map’ Your Content?

You might have thought that you left mind maps behind at school, after you’ve finished revising for that all-important test, but mind maps are actually commonplace in the world of work regardless of the industry you might be in. Even dentists, warehouse owners, marketers and engineers will find mind mapping useful, but in this context, […]

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5 Steps to Take if Someone is Stealing Your Content

Modern digital marketing has more of an emphasis on content than any other form of marketing that came before it. Writing a lengthy blog post that’s been planned and executed successfully is rewarding, especially as a content writer, so it’s disappointing to see that it’s been lifted by another person and claimed as their own. […]

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Should You Create Niche Content for Your Website?

Niche content is something that not everyone thinks about when it comes to writing articles, blog posts, infographics or even something as simple as a leaflet or a poster. Niche content needs to be able to stand out from the crowd, whilst also being relevant to a specific type of audience, also known as a […]

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